Monday, June 23, 2008

NCERT textbooks now just a click away!

The NCERT (National Council of Educational Training and Research) textbooks are finally available online. I’ve been looking forward to this launch ever since the department made the announcement last year.
I did have my own share of running around last academic session searching for textbooks which turned sour at times out of sheer desperation and displeasure. I cannot understand how, year after year, textbooks are available very late—well after the start of the academic year—and never after the first month of sale. That’s never enough for students. Shortage of textbooks continues to be a major problem for schools in India.

However, with the textbooks being made available online, life will get a little easier. If this facility is utilized well and classes are planned systematically, it might even lessen the burden of carrying heavy school bags for students.

Most importantly, students and teachers can now turn to the Internet while the government and publishers take their own time getting the books to children. I still do worry about students who do not have access to the Internet or use the State syllabus. But for now at least I’m contented with the fact that my students will no longer suffer even if they study in a government school—they will now have the best learning resources available to them not just school textbooks.
You can read or download the books from NCERT and here.

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