Exams are here. Mug-up, by heart, memorize and reproduce in the exam. After all, we need good figures at the end of the academic year.Education in those days was figures in the progress card. If you get 95% marks you are the best student in the school.
I used to study the whole year day and night, and get just pass marks, where as my friends who study just a month before exams used to get excellent scores. Evaluation was merely concerned with facts delivered in the paper. Is this a right way to evaluate learning...?
The revolutionary change in the evaluation system has brought by the centre through CCE - Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation pattern. This enable the teacher to overlook all the qualities of the pupil through out the year. Starting from daily assignments, projects, oral and written tests, non-scholastic such as behavior, games, etc are counted in CCE pattern.
This is the first time for the state of Telangana implementing CCE pattern full fledged. Of course, they've come up with few more modifications in the CCE pattern.
Few highlights -
This is the first time for the state of Telangana implementing CCE pattern full fledged. Of course, they've come up with few more modifications in the CCE pattern.
Few highlights -
- It's not semester model
- 80 marks for written exam and 20 marks for internal assessment(projects, home works etc)
- Questions are designed in such a way to test seven skills of the kid - information, communication, appreciation, aesthetic sense, application to daily life, experimentation, field investigation
- Questions given at the end of the text book will not be seen the exam. Instead they're asked in different scenarios.
- In evaluation, teachers should consider all the answers from students' point of view

A small survey conducted in some schools, here is teachers' view on the new CCE pattern -
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1 comment:
This system monitors the students through its projects and assignments, instead of just exams.
CCE evaluation system in schools
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