Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Exam Season

February, March and April are peak months for educational institutions in a country like India. Students, teachers, institutions from secondary to university level will gear up in preparing for the final assessments. The litmus test is not only for students but also for teachers and institutions.

Practical exams:

From junior to senior intermediate and under graduates to post graduates have to undergo practical exams before they appear for final exams. Usually these practical exams will be held in mid-February. Whereas, schools don’t have such kind of exams since practical exams are not required for elementary level- a written assessment as a  final exam is the mandate, though it has many loopholes.


Prior to the final exams the students have to undergo some mock tests which are named ‘pre-finals’. It is a compulsory exam which is held in the school campus itself. These exams are about pupils practicing the model test papers, revising the things learnt and removing the fear of exams.
However, it has some drawbacks as well- many schools finish their syllabi before the New Year and conduct as many as five to six mock tests. Pupils get fed up writing the exams continuously for two months and as a result they develop an apathy towards exams.  Also, students complain that they waste their precious time in appearing for mock exams which could be utilized in preparation for the finals. 

The identification:


A piece of paper with an 8 to 10 digit unique number will be issued to every student who are going to write the public exams. The exam venue will be printed on those tickets usually.

Exam center:

Pupils will be waiting for the hall-ticket to check their exam centers, wishing their exam centers would be near to their locality in order to minimize travel time.
On the other hand, some students with a disposition towards cheating will calculate the probability of malpractice in the exam depending upon the exam centers. It’s a bitter fact that some exam centers are famous for such malpractices, where the invigilators themselves supply answers to the students.

Need of the hour is change in exam pattern, and assure 100% transparency in invigilation. 

From the EFF team, we wish good luck to all the students appearing for their Public Exams…! 

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