Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good news!

Woo! We did it! It’s finally done! We present to you our Virtual Classroom. And we are back to being happy people--. Ever since the day we had our EFF pre alpha release in our office, our lives changed. At least temporarily: we worked and ate at our desk, we put a hold to our salon and parlor visits, we fought, we made up and some nights we had to walk home coz by the time we stepped out of our office, the cabs had retreated to their respective garages.

Even with our sunken eyes we can’t stop smiling. That’s the effect our babe VC has on us. Yesterday, while I was testing the whiteboard, I created a lesson for my students. It was just a test but I wanted to feel like I was using it. And it’s now uploaded in my slide library. When I saw myself in the video, I quite liked what I saw—for once I didn’t have much to complain about. The quality is awesome—I’m considering using it as a substitute for a mirror. ;)

Most of you are aware of our journey with EFF and will certainly feel our enthusiasm and excitement. This means a lot to us because it's going to make a difference to a lot of children out there who have never experienced what education is. It took us half a year to research, plan and finally execute!

As we share the good news, do check out the develper version of our VC on our website. It is available in the Moodle community too. We have put it up for you because we value your suggestions. Do drop us a line about your experience.

We hope you’ll like it and thanks for cheering us along the way.


We will be releasing the beta version on the 14th of April.

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