Indeed it was yet another amazing experience travelling so early at dawn towards Gandweed where our rural ZPH School locates, for the evaluating visit. The climate was extremely pleasant and enjoyable. Perhaps winter has just ended and with summer yet to begin, we were in the spring, the last weekend of the month of February and heading towards the close of yet another academic year. Fields were golden in color and the dry leaves covered the ground besides the tress on either sides of the road. Due to the friction of the air caused by the speeding vehicles, the leaves blew up in the air giving us a sort of excitement. Although pretty soon there will be greenery all around the country side.
With this thought, volunteers from different professions and I reached the school around 10 in the morning. Although there is constant interaction with the students through virtual classes, they were very excited and awaited for us in their classrooms to be evaluated of their skills in almost all categories such as reading, writing, speaking and addressing speech, grammar, sports, painting and last but not the least attitude and behaviors.
Here are a few experiences of the volunteers who have helped us make the whole day event a very successful one.
It was the first time for me to visit the school. Initially when my friend had told me about the visit, I wasn't very excited or convinced about having a good time there. Yet I thought that I could go for it just like any other jolly trip. But as I started to interact with the students, I was encouraged to conduct more activities. I was given classes 8th and 9th Telugu medium students. In both the classes most of the students were active although all the students communicated well when they are being encouraged. what I realized after that they have the knowledge but were unable to express their thoughts. As they were from Telugu medium their English speaking skills weren't as good as the counterparts but given some encouragement they can perform well in the future.
Personally for me, it was a great opportunity to be a part of such an event and I would like to be part of EFF as a volunteer whenever required - Rama Krishna
Teaching is fun and exciting when the curriculum is well matched with the student's interests and abilities, when you teach the right things at the right way motivation takes care by itself, A few students were enthusiastic about learning but most of them require the grading system, every day motivational will definitely bring a lot of improvement among the students. Most of the pupils have to overcome the fear of standing in front of the class to speak, If one is boosted the rest of the students follow. XI class EM is well mannered. - Vinai David.

I t was my third visit to the school.It was a great experience to interact with the students. They all recognized me and I was welcomed with a heart-felt smile. I took classes for 7th as well as 9th class Telugu medium students. They were more enthusiastic as compared to my earlier visits and showed active participation in all the activities conducted.I could tell through my observation that though these students are highly potential as per academics is concerned but few of them are weak at expressing it in English language. They can enhance their skills provided they are guided supported in the right way. Ultimately that filled me with great satisfaction, memories and motivation to participate in the future programs. - Venkey

This was my second visit to this school cause I love being with children. I was surprised to see Telugu medium students speaking English so well. The students were very active and energetic during the class. I felt a sense of pride to be part of EFF who are reaching out the poor and needy children in the school - Ravi
EFF is doing a great work for the students who are not so fortunate. I observed lot of difference in the students with their speaking, writing and listening abilities since my last two visits, this being the third. Class VI Em students are very smart and active, they make mistakes in speaking but still come forward and speak without any hesitation. They have the desire to learn and speak in English. Expect a few students, most of them are good at speaking English. - Naga Raju
At the outset, I want to convey my gratitude to the EFF for giving me this opportunity to interact with the school children.This is my first ever event of this kind and I enjoyed every bit of it. The students were very keen on listening to what was taught to them and responded generously to the questions. They were very active and enthusiastic to know new things. Especially in drawing, they are far beyond my expectations. I am very glad to attend this event. - Chaitanya
I could see a lot of improvement and progress among the students, especially the VII Telugu medium students as shown in the picture above - Sudha
Students are conveying their gratefulness about EFF
Appreciating the students and teachers for their corporation with EFF
Distributing prizes for all-round performance in the classroom events.
At the end of the day's activities, Mr. Venkat one of the volunteer gave a wonderful illustration by comparing farmers, fields and crops to parents, children and studies and books respectively. It was a very inspiring one and I believe it inspired many of them as the kids were seen applauding for a very long time after the speech.
To everyone's surprise the day's effort by the EFF team, their involvement into different schools, their positive attitude in reaching out with a new theory and quality education, motivating pupils by gifting them with various important inspirational educational subject books that would help them in their future was published by one of the well noted daily news paper SAKSHI and couple of other news media covering every step of EFF. To conclude the media in a nut shell Published that EFF is doing wonders.